Tuesday, December 1, 2009

the cupcakequeen goes to new york!

I had the pleasure of visiting my fabulous brother (who lives in Manhattan) over Thanksgiving. The one thing you should know about my brother is that the only thing he does better than being a brother is being a teacher. It made my heart happy to be able to see firsthand the amazing work that he does and the amazing ways in which he is leaving long-lasting positive imprints on the lives of the children he comes in contact with each day at The Bronx Charter School for Children where he teaches music to frankly, some of the most adorable children I've ever seen! Also, it made my heart happy to be able to share the cupcake queen love with he and his co-workers by hooking them up with some pre-Thanksgiving cupcake goodness.

My brother - the best teacher I know!!! Also, the best 1/2 marathon-er I know! Yes, he completed his first 1/2 marathon the weekend before Thanksgiving. In case you were wondering, pretty much, he does EVERYTHING amazingly well!! :)

Cupcakes for the faculty & staff at The Bronx Charter School for Children!

White & chocolate cake with buttercream icing, chocolate shavings and fun candy I found at a market in Philly!

I <3 NYC!!!!!