Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Dianna Day, Indeed!

Note: Handmade birthday card by the uber fabulous, Dr. Anastasia Beaverhausen! 

Last week, I celebrated my 28th birthday.  Truth be told, I have been a little leery of the big 2-8.  I've been battling with oh-shit-i'm-almost-thirty thoughts and feelings for a while now, which turns out not to be a very good place to be for someone like me who tends to be a bit on the analytical/dramatic/obsessive side.  It's not that I am so much worried about the getting older part that deals with wrinkles,sagging and dentures.  I can deal with that, I think.  It's the realization that life really does pass by in what seems like an instant.  It's the wondering if my life has meant something to this point.  It's the figuring out if I'm living my life the way I should.  It's the constant evaluation of where I am in life versus where I thought I would be.  My greatest fear is that I'll wake up in 20 years or 10 years or 5 years or 5 months filled with regret. Regret that I haven't lived my life to its fullest potential because of fear of failure or fear of the unknown.

Lucky for me, I have some amazing people in my life that ground me and help to keep those pesky obsessive crazy thoughts under control.  They inspire me to live my life with purpose and passion and by virtue of them being in my life, remind me that surely I must be doing something right. 

The ladies who helped to celebrate my birthday this year, just so happen to rank at the very top of the amazing people list. They are extraordinary women, each wonderful in their own way.  I could easily write a book about each of them and explain in detail what makes them so fabulous and why I adore and love each of them.  However, I decided to just give you one word that I think describes them best.

Helen - Vivacious
Jacqui - Thoughtful
Kayleigh - Delightful
Toya - Lovely
Wendy - Entertaining
Barbabra (Mama) - Sensitive
Jennifer (Sister) - Courageous
Brandy W. - Organized

These women are incredible and have enriched my life in unexplainable ways. They love me, support me, encourage me, are truthful with me (even when I don't want to hear it) and they challenge me to be a better person. 

If I haven't gotten the message across that I am so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life, maybe this will help to convince you.....

Right?!? Amazing!

P.S.  As if just being fabulous friends weren't gift enough....these wonderful women got me a Kindle for my birthday. Shut. The. Front. Door.  A Kindle! :)

P.P.S. When I told my Dad that the girls gave me a Kindle for my birthday, he replied, "Doesn't she play on One Life To Live?!?"  hahahahaha


Candace said...

Happy birthday, friend! Sounds like it was a good one. :)