I love a good celebration. Any kind of celebration, really. Elaborate, silly, important, insignificant, impromptu, quaint, gigantic.... it just doesn't matter as long as it's a celebration! If you pay attention, there are a ton of things around you begging to be celebrated. For instance, today, the weather is actually fall-like and you better believe I am celebrating. Celebrating with a pumpkin spice latte, a cute scarf and quick but very sincere thank you to the real Jesus, not the taco.
This week I've had the extremely good fortune of being able to take part in some fantastic celebrations.
The first was a birthday celebration for my fabulous friend, Toya. Toya is incredibly kind, incredibly beautiful, incredibly intelligent and an all-around incredible friend. Toya is the kind of person that deserves to be celebrated year-round, not just on her birthday. Here's to you and your fabulousness, friend!
I also celebrated Halloween last night by helping my sister throw a party for my nephews and their friends. It was fun! It was wild! It was perfect!
In addition to all these fun things, we also celebrated with a dance party in the living room, a much too loud game of red rover in the dark, and tons of laughter. It was a divine Halloween celebration fit for the most wonderful boys, er, villians....Chucky and Freddy Krueger to be exact.
Celebrate something today! It doesn't have to be a birthday or a holiday to celebrate. Celebrate life - say thank you, give a big ol' fist pump, do a cartwheel or the cabbage patch, it doesn't matter....just CELEBRATE!!